Couple in

HMMM, "WHO ARE WE" that's the biggest million dollar question of them all, well if you can bare with me thru this boredom here BLAH BLAH BLAH haha lol, THINK ill get on my mary lil way NOW to the good juicy mouth watering, details of who we are, GOT TO KEEP YOU INTERESTED... Here goes nothin, let me first introduce us, We are a HAPPILY MARRIED, comfortable couple that has been thru THICK & THIN TOGETHER & FOR EACH OTHER, we like to expericence life at its fullest WE FEED OVER OF each others company we are very open with each other keep no secerts and WE COMMUNICATE , we love to have fun, try new things$people$ hahah lol ITS EXCITING we have never done this online thing really with meeting strangers and seeing if there is any kind of sexual attraction, we have only ever done it with ppl we've chosen in our town with ppl we some what know or are actually friends with, have never done random strangers lol we all have to be on the same wave link commucation, of likes dont likes do's and dont do, that will all happen the first day meeting with talking and for us all to be comfortable, bc if ur not comfortable then whats the point.. neways im years old female, bi dishwater short hair brown eyes ft'in tall, my husband is my bestfriend. he is yrs old male straight, brown hair blue green eyes about foot tall in height and we are a very sexual couple, we like spicing up our bedroom occiasionally, been married for almost years, NO DRAMA PERIOD you will be cut lose instantly!!!! .

would love to meet ppl that are open minded, not jealous, comfortable with there spouses and is not shy to just pop it off right there, lol BBQ, water sports, hell having a few beers and like to cut lose and turn the system up where it beatz... must be clean, and remain clean, can drink and smoke cigs bc me and my husband are both smokers... ME AND HUBBY LIKE TO CUT LOSE DONT NEED NOONE THAT IS TO SCARED TO JUST LIVE ALIL... HOPE TO HEAR FROM SOME OF YALL BEAUTIFUL COUPLES OUT THERE IN OR AROUND OUR AREA THANK YOU HAVE A NICE DAY.

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